Low Hanging Fruit publishes literary and visual arts for your viewing pleasure. The work found in this second issue, released at the dawn of the New Year 2025, brings together another rich tapestry of contemporary, first-time-published art from creators around the globe. Making use of the vast connectivity of the Internet, the editors at L.H.F once again called upon artists everywhere to submit whatever might be lingering in their archives—any “low hanging fruit” they were willing to share.
It is both a pleasure and a privilege to present this new collection for your consideration. Here, you may encounter narratives of resilience, yearnings of love and loss, explorations of identity, and glimpses of human connection. Within these pages, you’ll find voices spanning countless backgrounds: students, retirees, travelers, medical professionals, and more—each contributing a distinct piece to a cultural mosaic you may not have known you were missing.
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